Thursday, December 27, 2012

Special Greeting!



who has the good fortune of being able to celebrate her birthday twice:
once yesterday, starting at 6:00 p.m., because it was her birthday in Germany, and again today on her birthday in the USA!


(Aha! That must account for the fact that there are blog readers in Germany!?)


And - in celebration of nothing at all - your blogger never set foot outside the house, today, because although I could, I didn't really need to, and have felt cozily snowbound
watching old movies, writing more Christmas letters to old friends, and trying to follow one of my grandmother's "receipts" for knitted lace.  It was delightful, and I may do the very same thing tomorrow -

- or maybe not.


A Foot of Snow

sent to me by Denise Jaquays-Tarbox.

(But while a lot of us are impressed with that amount, I'm sure there are plenty of old-timers who look at the picture and scoff: "Only a foot? That's barely more than 'partly cloudy!' ")


Edie Eastman, after watching the video about Plowing Snow on Tug Hill, wrote: "(That) reminded me of shoveling snow ahead of the plow on Frankfort Hill in the early 1940’s with other young adults.  And of a road near my home being plugged for 3 weeks in 1945. The Town finally got enough equipment in to get it open. We kids never missed school as we used our skis."  

Thanks, both of you!

Are there more such storm stories out there? 
I'd love to read them!