Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Afternoon

Hi faithful followers! Are you ready for Spring tomorrow?!?! We're supposed to hit 55 here in Ballston Lake! Considering it was 9 when I got up this morning, I can't wait.

We visited with Mom quite a lot this weekend at Harding's. She is undergoing a fair amount of rehab - being stuck in a hospital bed for 10 days you tend to lose your land legs. The physical therapist is running her through her paces every day helping her get back to her normal self.

We have set her up to receive email and the sort, so please keep them coming! She also has the capability to blog, but being as she can't get out and take pictures, there's not a lot to blog about! Plus do you really want to be reminded of how high the price of gas is?!!? Waterville was flirting with $4.00 when we were there, and we're about a nickle lower here. But wait a couple days, and I'm sure that will change.

We will most likely be back this weekend, as Iain can happily hook his XBox up in the back room and be content for hours, leaving Rick a chance to poke around and find treasures and me a chance to putter about and declutter odd spaces. I'm being challenged by the "what to keep" and "what to pitch" business - I think its awesome that my kindergarten report card (way back when it was in Deansboro no less) was kept, but really... now what do I do with it?!

Enjoy the weather!