A widespread killing frost will take place tonight, with lows in the teens and single digits.
Sunshine continues on Tuesday. It will still be chilly, with highs near 40. Clouds and the chance of a rain shower on Wednesday.
Partly sunny, seasonable weather continues into the end of the week and weekend."
I was in "rehab" at Harding Nursing Home over St. Patrick's Day and one of the great delights was being able to see a number of local members of the Johnston School of Irish Dance who performed there one afternoon. Missy Brouillette, whose daughter, Claire, is one of the dancers, sent me these pictures to pass on to you:
There's Claire, the second from the left with the white headband.
And here she is, again, with the Tower twins, Sarah and Rachel (or Rachel and Sarah!)
It was grand to see the dancers having such a good time and knowing exactly where their next steps will take them!
Thanks loads, Missy!)
To learn more about "rehab" at Hardings, just follow the blog: I can't say enough wonderful things about all of the people, there, in one sentence - or even a long paragraph - but will certainly be praising them for days and weeks to come!
Family Movie Night Thursday March 29, 2012 6:00 PM
Get ready for Easter with your family by bringing them to the library to see just how the bunnies manage to bring Easter joy to millions of kids!
April 1st - April 30th For all ages. Get yourself a whole heap of Peeps and create a favorite scene or character from a book!
The one rule is that all characters in the diorama must be played by Peeps. Dioramas will be accepted and displayed throughout the month of April .
To see last year's entries, please click HERE.
More tomorrow, after I've done some exploring!
Have a good evening, everyone!